Pemigewasset River


Pemigewasset River

Town(s): Woodstock NH
County: Grafton

Size: acres
Average Depth: feet
Maximum Depth: feet

Swimming: Unknown

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Although our websites feature lakes and not rivers we would be remiss if we didn't include the Pemigewasset River or "The Pemi" as it is often called. This river runs from north to south for 65 miles starting at Profile Lake in New Hampshire's Franconia State Park. The river flows south to Franklin where it meets with the Winnipesaulkee River to form the Merrimack River. 2 of The Pemi's tributaries, Squam River and Newfound River play a role in the ecology of Squam and Newfound Lake.

Water Quality: Unknown
Vegetation Growth: Unknown
Non-native Species: Unknown

Boat Access: Unknown
Parking Spaces: Unknown

Shoreline Development: Unknown